our services

5M Services employees those who carry some of the top qualifications to ensure safety and efficiency merge seamlessly.

5M Services develops strategic plans to efficiently secure cell towers and the surrounding area.

5M Services develops and implements safety programs to mitigate risk for both, with more than 20 years of combined expertise.

Our land management services is committed to brining highly trained and experienced professionalism.

Our safety policy has been reviewed and is continuously monitored by the National Safety Compliance Management Service.

From maintaining fuel supply to distribution, we supply customized fueling programs and deliver diesel and propane during natural disasters to your back up generators.

civil & electrical

5M Services offers a wide range of construction services, from compound fence instillation to new site builds and everything in between.

generator deployment/ maintenance

5M Services is home to a staging yard which enables accelerated deployment of emergency generators during a natural or catastrophic disaster. We also maintain generators and keep your business running.